Thursday, January 17, 2013

You guys - THUNDERSNOW!!!!!!!

Hi kids, remember thundersnow(Answering the Un-Answerable: Thundersnow)?

It's here!

We have an all-out THUNDERSNOW experience happening here in Kernersville, and Ms. Gallagher informs me it is happening in Winston-Salem, as well!

Too cool!

I'm so glad Aidan asked that question back in November & now we are all experts!

Check out these links related to thundersnow:


Sunday, January 13, 2013

It's Ba-ack!!!!!

Hi guys!

Here it is again....

... now I want you to actually make your predictions about what this animal may be. Review your classmates' questions and answers on the earlier blog post and the picture above. Do any other research you might like to do, as well, using whatever sources you find helpful.

Once you feel confident that you know what this is, answer the following questions on a sheet of paper:

1. What is this thing?
2. What, specifically, does it eat?
3. What limiting factors affect its population?
4. What animals compete with it for food and other resources?
5. What niche does it occupy (what is its role in its ecosystem)?
6. What detail in the picture or clue from a classmate was most helpful in deciding what it was?

We will discuss the questions and your answers on Friday, January 18, and read an article about this creature.

Happy researching!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Should we ban large snakes?

Hey guys!

Some of you may have already heard that there has been a proposal to ban large, constrictor snakes in Forsyth County. Here is a link to the most recent article in the Winston-Salem Journal:

Chad Griffin, head of the reptile rescue that I consulted before releasing our turtles (see the blog post on that here Turtle Post), is quoted in the article giving his point of view.

There has been discussion of a Federal ban on taking snakes across state borders (federal ban) after the problems in the Everglades we've discussed in class. 

What do you think?

Should Forsyth County ban specific types of snakes? Why or why not? Back up your answer with text from one or more of the linked articles. Write your answer in a complete, detailed paragraph to turn in, in class.