Monday, May 28, 2012


Welcome to our Classroom blog!
Each week in 5th grade, you will have a post from me on Monday morning, and it will be your responsibility to read my post and respond to it by Friday afternoon. Some weeks, there will be a link to visit and/ or an assignment to complete. Sometimes, I will simply post something for you to think about, and you will respond to it. These next two weeks, you will be practicing using the blog.
 This first week (May 29 - June 2), all I need you to do is to complete a response in which you:
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Tell one really exciting thing you'll be doing this summer.
** I made a sample comment below about my family's upcoming vacation to Natural Bridge, VA, to show you what I'd like for you to do. (Remember Natural Bridge from Landform Detectives on JASON?)
There will also be several posts throughout the summer, before the school year begins. I will email parents when a new post is up, but you may want to check back every now and then to see what's new and to see what your classmates are up to. This should be a fun way for the class to keep in touch over the summer and a fun way to learn during the school year!
Happy blogging, kiddos!