I thought she was pretty cool.
Disney is considering changing her appearance. They want her to look more like the image on the left:
Is this a big deal? Yes? No?
An artist named Matthew Bogart wrote about this issue on his blog. He is really thinking about what defines a character - what makes someone we have created through writing or artwork come alive in a certain way. What details about characters REALLY make them "who they are?"
He takes this on through a great comparison:
Would we care if the artist who drew Batman suddenly changed how HE looks?
Read Mr. Bogart's article here: http://thedaysarelongandshort.com/post/50220183714/the-brave-and-the-bold and then be ready to tell me what you think.
I would love comments below on what you think defines YOUR favorite characters in books or movies. What makes them special? What details could we never, ever change about them?