Saturday, September 8, 2012

Baby Taylor is Here!

Kinsey Madeline Taylor was born at 3:59 am September 6. She's doing GREAT and so is everybody else. Jack is a super big brother!!

I am giving you a week off from blog assignments, since we are adjusting at home and it will take me a little while to check up on your Hurricane work and respond well.

I've heard such great things about how hard you are all working at school so far this year! That's terrific! Keep it up!


  1. Hi Mrs.Taylor cute baby! This is Jaelyn Brown.
    1. Global Warming causes the tempature to rise in the ocean and land. Warm water is the energy for a hurricane.
    2. I learned in the article that la Nina is an event when the eastern and central Pacific Ocean gets cooler. The cold water along the strong winds causes thunderstroms.
    3. In school, I learned that hurricanes are categorized by there wind speed and that most hurricanes form off the coast of Africa.
    4. The next hurricane to occur is Nadine.

  2. 1. Since all the polluting we do causes more and more greenhouse effect (witch goes to global warming) it makes it makes climate change, therefore making it hotter, and making the oceans waters warmer and since hurricanes need warm water to live a lot of hurricanes have been happening.

    2. I learned that it doesn't get hotter every single year but it is climate change and that happens gradually.

    3. In school I learned why when hurricanes form they are called tropical storms.

    4. The next hurricane to occur will be called Nadine.
