Thursday, June 13, 2013


I hope you are all enjoying the start of your summer break!

This is a little update for parents and kids:


Progress reports are being mailed out today. I imagine you will receive them by Monday or Tuesday of next week. Enclosed in them are copies of the grading rubric for Teaching Academy with your child's score. The paper along with the original copy of the grading rubric will be in your child's Portfolio that will travel with him or her to middle school.


Keep an eye on the blog for fun summer updates and cool stuff for you! As soon as the file is converted, I plan to post the video you made with Mr. Taylor on the last day of school, if I can make it private. If not, I will find another way to share it.



  1. Thank you Mrs. Taylor and please keep us posted on your travel to Louisiana!!

  2. Hi Raja!

    We are here in Louisiana's beautiful capital of Baton Rouge! I am currently borrowing a computer at the Fedex store, getting prepared for a new teaching job here in East Baton Rouge parish. I'm thrilled that you checked in. I hope you are having a WONDERFUL summer! Please update me on your adventures over the break. I will be posting more updates to the blog soon! I miss you guys already. Please keep in touch!
    Love, Mrs. T!

  3. Miss You SOOOOOOOO much!

  4. Hey Mrs. Taylor! I miss you so much! My last guppy from fourth grade just died today and my rabbit sugar which I also brought in,in fourth grade also recently passed. I hope you are doing well and keep in touch!!!
    ~ Raquel


    I am so terribly sorry it has taken me so long to respond! And, Allie, I owe you double apologies because I accidentally deleted your comment on my other blog! You would think I'd know what I'm doing, but, alas...

    Anyway, I miss you girls too! Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing! I'm sure you are both doing a GREAT job in sixth grade!

    Email me at I will respond with FAR more efficiency there!

    Sending you long-distance hugs and high fives from Louisiana!!!!

    Mrs. T
